Vacancy - Principal and Chief Executive

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Alison McInally In Reception

Frequently Asked Questions

Where are the campus buildings?

We have three campus buildings:  Springburn, East End and Easterhouse

More information and directions at: Information on the 4 main campuses that make up the college. (

Are there canteen facilities?

Our campus buildings are near or have access to catering facilities for lunches and snacks.

Where there is no on-site shop, we have vending machines which provide food and drink at a reasonable cost.  More information at:

When do I start my course?

Your first class will be in week commencing 21st August 2023. However, we have an exciting Welcome and Freshers’ Event the previous week and we’d love if you could come along to that.

Where can I get advice?

Advice on your course can be provided by your Lecturer.  However, the College has a range of support services to help you on your learning or personal journey – Advice & Guidance, Learner Support, Counselling & Wellbeing, Care Experienced.

More information at:  Accessing advice, guidance and support at Glasgow Kelvin College

How do I get my student ID card?

Our student ID cards are going digital this session, once you have uploaded your photograph and activated your ICT account, you can access your student ID card on MyKelvin

To receive your student ID card, you will need to upload a photograph.

IMPORTANT: All photos must be a head and shoulders passport style format. This photograph will appear on you electronic Student ID card and will not be able to be updated or changed.

To upload your photograph for your Student ID Card please use the link below.

Once you have signed in click on the My Applications tab. This should take you to a screen with your course offer. Click on the Enrol tab and follow the online instructions to upload your photograph.

If you are already enrolled, click on the My Photograph tab, and follow the online instructions.

If you have any problems uploading your photograph please contact:

How do I upload MyKelvin & Teams apps?

Information and links to the fabulous MyKelvin and Microsoft Teams apps are available at:  Information on how to login to different college ICT systems (  MyKelvin will be your principal source of information during your course and it’s important that you download this app.

What about my Funding & Childcare?

There is a wide range of information to help you relating to Student Funding, Bursaries, Fees, Discretionary Funds and Childcare support available at:  Student Funding and Fees for students at Glasgow Kelvin College

What if I have digital or tech problems accessing my online classes?

You will be added to a student Teams on Microsoft Teams.  Within this Team there will be a channel for digital support – we advise you post into this channel to obtain support on applications and IT issues you are experiencing.

If you are having difficulty accessing your IT account then please email the ICT team on

Can I apply for a laptop to help me with my studies?

If you are eligible, we have laptops which can be loaned for the entire year of your study – please apply via MyKelvin (via the app or at this web address 

What’s expected from me when I login on Teams?

We have guidance, requirements and handy tips for students when they are engaging in online classes or sessions on Teams.  We ask that you read these to prepare yourself for your studies and follow the rules which are there for your protection.  This ensure everyone has a pleasant and productive experience online.

This is available at Online Etiquette

Can I bring my car to college?

Students are encouraged to use public transport or cycle where possible as this will reduce your carbon footprint and be in line with the College’s Sustainability agenda.

There is either no, or very limited, on-campus parking available for students (apart from disabled access spaces).  City Council parking restrictions apply in some campus neighbourhoods, including parking meters.

When parking or driving in the streets surrounding campus buildings, please remember that our College buildings are part of a larger community and we need to respect the homes, families and environment of our local residents and local businesses.
