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Foundation Apprenticeships

Foundation Apprentices Chloe Sinet and Corie McSween

What is a Foundation Apprenticeship?

Foundation Apprenticeships are work-based qualifications developed by Skills Development Scotland (SDS) in partnership with employers, colleges and Sector Skills Councils to create stronger links between education and industry.

Foundation Apprenticeships are aimed at pupils in S5 & S6, giving them the opportunity to complete elements of a Modern Apprenticeship (MA) while still at school.

They combine academic learning with hands-on practical tasks and include work experience with a local employer. The knowledge, skills, and work experience gained will help to broaden options for pupils, enabling them to go on to complete a Modern Apprenticeship, attend college/university or go directly into employment.


Who is it for?

Foundation Apprenticeships are for students entering either 5th year or 6th year. You must have the ability to study at SCQF level 6 (Higher equivalent) in a vocational setting and meet the entry requirements of the course.  Attainment is measured by ongoing assessment in college and in the workplace, meaning there are no standard end-of-year exams like a normal school subject.


Foundation Apprentices Chloe Sinet and Corie McSween

What qualifications will I gain?

On successful completion of the course, you will achieve a Joint Qualification Certificate for the Foundation Apprenticeship in your chosen subject.

This is a group Award at SCQF level 6, which comprises a National Progression Award (NPA) or National Certificate (NC) and a Scottish Vocational Qualification (SVQ).

What can I study?

We offer the following Foundation Apprenticeship pathways here at Glasgow Kelvin College:

  • Civil Engineering
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Social Services Children and Young People
  • Creative and Digital Media

Our colleagues at City of Glasgow College and Glasgow Clyde College also offer FA frameworks.  For more information, please contact them directly

Where can a FA take me?

A Modern Apprenticeship (MA)

In the same subject: You could complete your MA quicker because you’ll have completed some elements of the MA qualification during your Foundation Apprenticeship.

In another subject: You’ll already have experience of learning in the workplace. This will help you to stand out to employers who are recruiting Modern Apprentices.


On successful completion of your Foundation Apprenticeship, you can progress onto a number of HNC/D courses at each of Glasgow’s three colleges. You may be required to have additional school qualifications upon entry.


Most Scottish Universities recognise Foundation Apprenticeships. Your FA means you already have quality experience within the industry – this helps your UCAS application stand out.

Straight to Work

A Foundation Apprenticeship gives you skills employers want, such as timekeeping, problem-solving, communication, and teamwork.

On completion of your FA, you’ll have connections with employers, work experience, and industry-recognised qualifications. This will look great on your CV!

For more information and to apply visit http://www.fapglasgow.scot/. To contact the Team here at Kelvin College, please call us at 07747461587, or email foundation@glasgowkelvin.ac.uk.
