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Ethos and Values

students working in student zone pods

Vision Statement:

Transforming Lives through education.

Mission Statement:

Glasgow Kelvin College will enhance our learners’ aspirations, careers and lives through accessible, inclusive, high quality lifelong learning.

Returning to education always felt like such a daunting task, however the lecturers at Glasgow Kelvin College have allowed me to find my feet in a new field, nurtured my ability and provided me the tools and momentum to reach goals I didn’t believe possible.

Kirsty O'Donnell SWAP Access to Childhood Practice

Our Ethos

Glasgow Kelvin College’s ethos derives from its commitment to Excellence, Progression and Enterprise. It seeks to provide learning opportunities of the highest quality, which engage learners from the widest range of backgrounds, and support their progression to employment or to further study. It seeks to develop enterprise in individuals – as a core skill for learning, life and work; and to support enterprise in both organisations and communities – by developing the capacity of both employers and employees and of community representatives.

The ethos is an inclusive one, and is developed through a series of commitments:

  • a commitment to the priority of the needs of the service user;
  • a commitment to quality and innovation;
  • a commitment to ethical curriculum design;
  • a commitment to improving access and equality of opportunity
  • a commitment to learner engagement and customer care;
  • a commitment to staff involvement;
  • a commitment to collaborative working;
  • a commitment to de-centralisation and outreach;
  • a commitment to sustainable development; and
  • a commitment to high standards of governance.

Our Values

Creating our values

  • What is important to you?
  • Why is it important?
  • What does it mean in practice?

These are the three questions that GKC staff and students were asked to consider when we set out to create our values. Following on from an extensive series of workshops with staff and student groups the answers were collated, analysed and grouped into related categories. This information was then used to form a set of core principles which was then further developed into a series of Glasgow Kelvin College core values.

Each value comes with a definition and a series of behaviours and aspirations associated with it. These are shown graphically on the Values Wheel as you can see here on the page. This represents what we, both staff and students, have identified as being core to working or studying at GKC.
