Course overview
The Transitions course is for young people in S4 or above who are moving from secondary school to college, training or employment.
You will be supported to work towards qualifications in core skills such as Sport and Fitness, Hospitality, Communications ( English) Personal Development and Employability .
You will be supported to overcome any barriers to learning and encouraged to link into other local opportunities that match your interests.
What you will learn
The core timetable includes opportunities to work towards a range of SQA units and group awards in Communications, Hospitality , Personal development and Employability and Sports.
Transitions has helped me to get back into a routine and enjoy learning again.... this course has helped me to focus on my future and helped me to explore all the opportunities that are available to me. I have matured and I feel ready for the challenges that I have set myself
Entry requirements
No formal entry requirements.
If you are still school age, you will need permission to attend college. A referral from your school guidance teacher or other professional who knows you well will be required along with your application.
Career Opportunities
On an individual basis, students can be considered for volunteering opportunities or work experience placements.
Future prospects
Throughout the course you will be offered support and guidance from college staff and Skills Development Scotland to consider your career pathway and next steps.
Upon completing the Transitions course, many students have successfully progressed onto SCQF level 4 and 5 courses at Glasgow Kelvin College in a subject area of their choice.
Real Industry Connections
We work in partnership with lots of other services across the city, we can provide opportunities to signpost and refer students into a wide range of activities and services based on their individual needs and interests.